Overview: "Sexual Indoctrination in Public Schools" booklet
Comprehensive Sex Ed Organizations & Standards
The National Sexuality Education Standards (NSES) are the sex education equivalent of Common Core for math and English, designed by activist organizations to institutionalize comprehensive, inclusive sex education nationwide for K-12. The NSES were developed as an initiative between Advocates for Youth, Answer, and SIECUS, with an 18-person advisory committee consisting of employees of those organizations, along with Planned Parenthood and the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). All of these private organizations are committed to creating social change through sex ed. Many schools are using the title "national standards" to imply that these standards are required or have been universally accepted - they are not and have not.
equitable world.”
stereotypes about behavior and identity.”
- Advocates for Youth - promotes abortion and sexual "rights" for children, and the development of child activists for these causes. Wrote the "3Rs", a free sex ed program being adopted across the country. Lessons include logos for UNESCO and UNFPA (example: Healthy Relationships lesson)
equitable world.”
- Answer - Another social activist group focusing on LGBTQ students.
stereotypes about behavior and identity.”
- SIECUS - Founded in 1964 by Dr. Mary S. Calderone, previously the Medical Director for Planned Parenthood. SIECUS has a long connection to the global goals of the UN and UNESCO.
In-depth information about the harms of CSE
- Please visit StopCSE.org to learn about the history of CSE, the different programs being used around the country and the harms associated with them, and what you can do about comprehensive sexual education in your school.